Memory Care Community Insider

A Monthly Look Inside Aravilla Clearwater

Father’s Day Celebration!

“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” In honor of Father’s Day on June 16th, Aravilla Clearwater will be hosting a special Father’s Day celebration to honor all of the fathers who are a part of our Aravilla family! Beer and cake will be served during live entertainment at 3pm in the Promenade.

Aravilla clearwater seniors visiting the varsity club

Men’s only Bar Outing

This month our men are in for a treat! On June 18th, at 12pm, we will be taking our gentlemen on a bus trip to a sports bar for drinks and lunch. While watching a sports game and enjoying an ice-cold beer, our men will get to enjoy their time together. Families and friends are encouraged to join us for this special lunch outing by signing up with the activities department. Be sure to keep a lookout on our monthly calendar for upcoming events, celebrations, live music entertainment, birthdays, bus trip locations and more. Arrangements can be made to ensure you a spot on our Aravilla bus!

Aravilla Clearwater residents outing

Jim & Bill!

Aravilla Clearwater memory care fun excursion

Doug, Bob, & Mark!

Beach Volleyball

senior residents engaging in group activity beach volleyball

Summertime fun has arrived! Beach Volleyball has been brought back to Aravilla Clearwater. We will be playing sit down volleyball in the Promenade every other Sunday with popsicles to follow. Physical activities such as beach volleyball can play a big role in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia community. Exercise is not only an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but also improves mental abilities such as focus and attention. Hand to eye coordination is stimulated while playing, as well as reflexes. Physical activities can also improve some aspects of memory. For example, it can help you to have clearer memories of certain events that occurred in the past. We hope to see you at our next beach volleyball game in the Promenade on Sunday!

memory care residents playing indoor beach volleyball
seniors staying active with indoor beach volleyball

Aravilla Garden Club

memory care residents gardeningOn June 12th at 1:45pm, we will be having our first garden club activity. Located in the shaded side of the courtyard, our garden will include features such as a raised garden bed, sensory plants, soil, garden hats, and gloves. Our residents will get to transfer and water these plants on a weekly basis. The plants and features in the garden will be carefully chosen to support cognitive function and provide positive experiences. Gardening can be a very therapeutic activity. Our garden club will provide a place for socialization and interaction, promote movement and exercise, and aid in the management of symptoms such as anxiety and agitation.

*Follow our Facebook page; Aravilla Clearwater, for more fun photos of what goes on in our community as an Aravilla Family! You may even find unique photos of your loved ones.

gardening projects for seniors with memory disorders

Great food!

seniors planting beautiful flowers

Memorial Day Cookout!

Resident Spotlight “Roger” H.

We want to take a moment to welcome Roger H. as a part of our Aravilla family! Roger was born in Long Island, New York in 1942. He graduated from Hempstead Highschool in Hempstead, New York. Shortly after, Roger attended Hofstra University and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in History.

Aravilla Clearwater resident Roger

Judy M.

He also earned his Master’s Degree in Theology from Massachusetts. Roger served in the Army Reserves for a short period of time. He was a probation officer for many years. Simultaneously, he worked at St. John Lutheran Church as a youth counselor and preached a few sermons. He retired in 2002. Roger has 1 son, who he adopted from Korea, and now has 1 granddaughter who makes him a very proud grandfather. Roger’s favorite hobbies include reading, stamp collecting, and playing golf. He has a great passion for history! He’s traveled to Wales, Great Britian to discover his ancestry. He’s also traveled to Europe and Italy. Fun fact! Roger loves to play the trombone. He learned how to play in high school. He was in the Hempstead High School band for a few years and played at the football games. He’s also played with the Pinellas Park Civic Orchestra for several events. Roger hopes to play here for us at Aravilla very soon! Roger is a very intelligent man who loves to participate in all of our activities. He’s also a man of faith who reads his Bible devotions and prays daily. You can’t miss his happy smile down at the Promenade!

Aravilla Clearwater residents friends

Roger and friends during an ice cream outing!

seniors enjoying their outing

Roger and Karl at the Varsity Club!


6/4 Coffee House
6/6 Resident Council Meeting
6/11 Ice Cream Outing
6/14 Flag Day
6/13 McDonalds
6/16 Father’s Day
6/18 Father’s Day Lunch Outing
6/19 Juneteenth
6/20 Ladies Only Adventure
6/25 Steak n’ Shake
6/26 Resident Birthday Party
6/27 Countryside Mall

Join our Exercise Class with EmpowerME every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 10:30am.

Celebrate June
Birthdays in the Promenade on the 26th
starting at 1:45pm

Happy Birthday to:
6/7 Betsy M.
6/10 Suzanne B.
6/12 Mark T.
6/16 John W.
6/30 Robert D.